Xiaomi Umumkan Tanggal Peluncuran Mi 5X Dan Miui 9
Xiaomi Announces Launch Date of Mi 5X and MIUI 9
Xiaomi mengumumkan tanggal peluncuran smartphone terbarunya, Mi 5X. Peluncuran tersebut dilakukan bersamaan dengan peluncuran software antarmuka terbaru, MIUI 9.
Adapun peluncuran Mi 5X dan MIUI 9 berdasarkan Xiaomi akan dilakukan pada 26 Juli 2017 mendatang.
"MIUI 9 hadir pada 26 Juli, tandai kalender kau sekarang!" demikian tulis akun Facebook MIUI ROM, Selasa (18/7/2017).
Xiaomi announced the launch date of its newest smartphone, the Mi 5X. The launch was conducted simultaneously with the launch of the latest interface software, MIUI 9.
The launch of Mi 5X and MIUI 9 according to Xiaomi will be done on 26 July 2017.
"MIUI 9 is present on July 26, mark your calendar now!" So write MIUI ROM Facebook account, Tuesday (07/18/2017).
The launch of Mi 5X and MIUI 9 according to Xiaomi will be done on 26 July 2017.
"MIUI 9 is present on July 26, mark your calendar now!" So write MIUI ROM Facebook account, Tuesday (07/18/2017).
Mi 5X digadang-gadang sebagai merek smartphone gres Xiaomi, sehabis Mi dan Redmi. Bocoran soal smartphone tersebut sudah beredar di China. Dikabarkan, Mi 5X bakal dibandrol harga 1.999 yuan atau sekitar Rp 3,9 juta.
Mi 5X juga disebut-sebut mengusung kamera dengan zoom optik sampai 5x. Xiaomi merilis merek kategori gres di lini smartphone-nya itu untuk dapat bersaing dengan Oppo dan Vivo di kelas menengah.
Mi 5X staying digadang as merk new smartphone Xiaomi, after Mi and Redmi. Leaks about the smartphone is already circulating in China. Reportedly, Mi 5X will dibandrol price of 1,999 yuan or about Rp 3.9 million.
Mi 5X also mentioned carrying the camera with optical zoom up to 5x. Xiaomi released a merk new category in its smartphone line to be able to compete with Oppo and Vivo in the middle class.
Untuk mengetahui lebih detail ihwal Mi 5X dan MIUI 9, tunggu tanggal peluncurannya pada 26 Juli mendatang.
While MIUI 9 so far is rumored to be having a Lock Screen shortcut that overhauled. Additional features Split-Screen to open two applications on one screen, as well as delete features that are rarely used Xiaomi users.
To find out more about Mi 5X and MIUI 9, wait for the launch date on 26 July.
SB : tekno.kompas.com
SB Asli : http://bit.ly/2tFeBUg
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